Thursday, May 15, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

I've just watched the movie of Romeo and Juliet yesterday. It wasn't the 1st time I knew the story, I've heard that extremely-tragic-drama-love story for many times, and everytime it reaches the ending..... no, no, i dun cry.. but feel... well, what is it? .... hmm..... insane! yeah, insane maybe the perfect word ;p huahhaha i dun have a good vocab to describe it...

it's crazy, really...
and ends with remorse, of course...

Juliet would have had a more peace, easier life if she decided to marry her-parents'-chosen-prince..but.. in the name of love, guys.. yeah, love makes us blind.. if love controls you, u'll sacrifice anything u have for love, for the one you love..Juliet had her dilemma, between choosing to please her parents.. or to live with her Romeo.. if u were Juliet, which one would u choose? your parents or your lover, guys? Well, I'll choose BOTH.. huahaha ;p but, what if u were obliged to choose only one? ........I dunno......

Romeo... for the one u love, u'll sacrifice everything u have.. even your own life... but, attempting a suicide.. isn't it such a foolish action? but what if your love seems not going in the right way like in fairy tales? for it only brings torture, not just for u and ur lover, but the entire family, brothers or sisters whom u love? to live an everlasting love, does it mean like 'sehidup-semati'?

Romeo and Juliet is absolutely not a charming romantic story. It isn't like ordinary fairy tale between a princess and a prince.. maybe that's why it becomes a legend? once i've heard that William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in a broken hearted feeling.. Hell, no wonder he can create such a tragic drama..

now lemme say that every character in the story is A FOOL...! Romeo and Juliet is about the foolishness of love.. guys, we know that love blinds us, tortures us, so why do we still love? because we need LOVE... to love and to be loved is so 'human'.. there r many ppl outhere who fights in the name of love.. why? because to love is to survive....

I love thee...
(hwhwhw, i really love the word 'thee', 'thou', or 'thyself'.. it's so 'shakespeare'...)

(waaaa udah nulis apa gw..? apaan tuh sok2an bgt hwhw)